Final Examination Period
1.1  Academic misconduct is an academic offence that is subject to disciplinary action that can be imposed on students if they are found guilty. Academic misconduct includes cheating, fabrication or counterfeiting, plagiarism, duplication or assisting in academic misconduct.
1.1.1  Cheating includes:
a.  using authorized materials, information or learning assistance in any academic-related matters;
b.   changing answers on an already graded document before submission for regrading purpose, or
c.   failure to follow prescribed academic procedures or instructions (i.e. examination protocol of sitting at spaced desks or talking during examination).
1.1.2   Fabrication refers to falsifying or creating any information or excerpts in any academic-related matters including creating or falsifying research information.
1.1.3   Plagiarism means using the work of others (including words, ideas, designs or data), without giving appropriate reference or quotation. These include:
a.   deceiving and claiming that part or all of the work of others which has been bought or copied as the student’s original work;
b.  ignoring or failing to acknowledge the actual source of the work; or
c.  using the work of others which has been modified but can be identified or the previous work of his or her own student which is shown as if it was the original or new work of student.
Unless otherwise stated by the faculty, all work in the form of drafts or final format to meet the requirements of the course (including papers, projects, computer programs, oral presentations or other work) must be either student's own work or acknowledged clearly with ; ;appropriate citations.
1.1.4  Multiple submission means:
a.  resubmitting work that has been previously submitted by the student for counted credit in a similar or same form in a course to fulfil the requirement for a second course, without the approval/agreement of the second course instructor; or
b. resubmitting work that has been previously submitted by the student in a similar or same form in a course to fulfil the requirement for a parallel course without the approval/agreement of both course instructors.
1.1.5  Assisting the academic misconduct means that the student assists the other person to commit a deliberate academic misconduct.
1.1.6   Other Academic Misconduct.
Academic misconduct besides the above which may be deemed to be academic irregularities committed by a student.
1.2   If a student is found to have committed any of offences stated in Item 1.1, upon the confirmation of the Faculty’s Academic Committee and upon conviction of the offence, the Senate may take any of the following actions: -
1.2.1   Give ZERO (0) marks for the entire course examination results (including course work); or
1.2.2   Give ZERO (0) marks for all courses registered in the semester;
1.3   In addition to item 1.2, the Faculty’s Academic Committee may submit to the UTM Student Disciplinary Committee for disciplinary action under the provisions of the Universities and Colleges Act 1971, Regulations of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Discipline of Students) Rules 1999 and any provision and Act that are in force depending on the level of offence committed.
1.4   Student who commit may offence twice will be   subjected to item 1.2 and submitted to UTM Student Disciplinary Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Universities and Colleges Act 1971, Regulations of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Discipline of Students) Rules 1999 and any provision and Act that are in force.
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