Final Examination Period
1.0 Students must register for all the courses taken every semester.
1.1 Course registration at IRK must be done within the pre-defined period of time before semester begins.
1.2 Students must register for the course with the correct code, section and status (if applicable).
1.3 Course registration status (if applicable):
1.3.1 HS - Register for a course that is not listed in the programme curriculum for the purpose of acquiring additional knowledge.
1.3.2 HW - Register for a compulsory course as set in the programme curriculum.
1.3.3 KM - Register for an equivalent course offered at other IPTs under the mobility programme.
1.3.4 MN - Register for a course as set under the Minor Programme offered by the University.
1.3.5 UG - Register for a passed course in the previous semester with a grade B- and below for the purpose of improving a student’s academic performance. For this purpose, he needs to get the approval from the Faculty.
1.3.6 UK - Register for a failed course in the previous semester for the purpose of repeating the course.
1.4 Students may only register for courses set by the university based on offers by the faculty and/or the IRK.
1.5 Students undergoing Industrial Training / Practicum are not allowed to register for other courses.
1.6 Students with Probation Status (KS) will have their course pre-registration annulled. They are required to register within the specified compulsory course registration period.
1.7 Any appeal for course registration made after the stated period without any valid reasons acceptable to the University will be fined.
1.8 Students are fully responsible for ensuring that there is no mistake in the course registration records. Any amendment must be made within the duration stipulated by the University.
1.9 Students who fail to register for any courses after the registration period without any valid reason acceptable to the university will be terminated.
1.10 Registration for an Audit Course (HS):
1.10.1 A student with the approval by the instruction from Faculty can register not more than TWO (2) courses with HS status in a semester.
1.10.2 The credits from HS courses will not be used in the calculation of the student’s GPA and CGPA.
1.10.3 Students who enrol in HS courses must attend all meetings/lectures and complete all the coursework evaluations.
1.10.4 Audit Course (HS) status will be recorded in the student’s examination slip and transcript if he meets the requirement of item 1.11.3 and the terms for attending lecturers in item 1.1 of part VII is met.
1.11 Course Withdrawal (TD)
1.11.1 A student with the approval of his lecturer and Academic Advisor can withdraw from any of his registered course no later than last working day of week EIGHT (8) of the semester.
1.11.2 Approval for withdrawing from a course is subject to the total Minimum Credits EXCEPT with the approval of the university.
1.11.3 Withdrawal (TD) status will be student’s course Registration record, examination result slip, and student’s transcript.
1.12 Tuition fees:
1.12.1 Students must pay their tuition fees in full by the end of the registration period of that particular semester.
1.12.2 Students who failed to make full payment of the fees are not allowed to register for a course or continue with their studies and can be terminated.
1.13 Guidelines for the course registration are as stated in Appendix II.
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