Final Examination Period
1.0 Final Examination Supervision
1.1 The examination supervisor is the Dean of Faculty or any appointed representative.
1.2 The examination supervisor is responsible at ensuring that the examination is carried out in an orderly and systematic manner.
1.3 The examination supervisor should appoint invigilators (academic staff) and assistant invigilators (non-academic staff) or IRK staff1.
1.4 The invigilators and assistant invigilators are accountable to the examination supervisor.
2.0 Final Examination Invigilation
2.1 The invigilators and assistant invigilators are responsible for invigilating the examination.
2.2 Unless permission is obtained from the examination supervisor, at least TWO (2) invigilators must be appointed for an Examination Hall whereby one will be appointed as the chief invigilator.
2.3 The responsibilities of the chief invigilator are: -
2.3.1 To collect the sealed envelope containing the examination questions and list of students’ names taking the examination;
2.3.2 To be examination Hall/Room at least FORTYFIVE (45) MINUTES before examination begins;
2.3.3 To verify the attendance of invigilator and assistance invigilators;
2.3.4 To instruct assistant invigilators to put the answer booklets, attendance forms and other examination requirements on each student’s table and this should be done no later than FIFTEEN (15) minutes before the examination begins;
2.3.5 To instruct students to enter the Examination Hall/Room FIFTEEN (15) minutes before the examination begins;
2.3.6 to ensure that the attendance of the students is noted and recorded carefully;
2.3.7 to announce the start and the end of the examination. Announcement on the last FIFTEEN (15) minutes before the end of the examination should also be made;
2.3.8 to remind students of the consequences of misconduct during the examination;
2.3.9 To ensure that when a student is allowed to leave the Examination Hall/Room for any reason and then returns to continue the examination, the chief Invigilator must ensure the students is adequately monitored outside the Examination Hall/Room;
2.3.10 To gather evidence of examination misconduct such as cheating and copying during examination. The chief invigilator needs to gather the evidence and to immediately retrieve the student's answer booklet. However, the student is allowed to continue the examination using a new answer booklet;
2.3.11 To report and submit avoidance any incident of wrongdoing and misconduct during examinations to the examination supervisor or his representative immediately after the examination is over;
2.3.12 To allow students to leave the Examination Hall/Room if they wish to submit their examination answer booklets before the last FIFTEEN (15) minutes of the examination;
2.3.13 To instruct the invigilators and assistant invigilators to collect the answer booklets/scripts after the examination is over while the students are still seated. Unused answer booklets/scripts should be collected separately;
2.3.14 To ensure that the examination answer booklets/ scripts are collected, counted and verified;
2.3.15 To deliver the examination answer booklets/scripts, including the unanswered or unused answer booklets/scripts to the examination supervisor or his/her representatives;
2.3.16 To deliver the examination answer booklet/scripts, including a report on the progress of the examination to the examination supervisor or his/her representative at the faculty office after the examination over.
2.3.17 Not to suspend, postpone or cancel any examination without the approval of the examination supervisor;
2.3.18 To submit the invigilators and assistant invigilators’ attendance to the examination supervisor or his/her representative at the faculty office after the examination is over;
2.3.19 To collect information or evidence on any cases of students violating the examination rules and regulations and submit it to the examination supervisor or his/her representative.
2.3.20 To ensure the examination is conducted smoothly; and
2.3.21 to take any action deemed to be appropriate in preventing any misconduct during examinations.
2.4 The responsibilities of the invigilator are as follows: -
2.4.1 To report to the chief invigilator at the Examination Hall FORT YFIVE (45) minutes before the examination begins;
2.4.2 To place the question papers on the student’s table before students are allowed to enter the Examination Hall/Room;
2.4.3 To ensure that the information listed in the student attendance slip is the same as that in their identity card/passport and/or matric card and final examination slip before collecting the second copy of the student attendance slip;
2.4.4 To collect the examination answer booklets/scripts after the examination is over while the students are seated. Unanswered or unused examination answer booklets/scripts should be collected separately;
2.4.5 To report any incidents of examination misconduct to the chief invigilator; and
2.4.6 To carry out other duties as instructed by the chief invigilator.
2.5 The responsibilities of assistant invigilators are as follows:
2.5.1 to report to the chief invigilator at the examination Hall/Room or IRK FORTY-FIVE (45) MINUTES before the examination begins.
2.5.2 to be accountable to the chief invigilator and to do the following:
a. bring all examination items to the examination venue;
b. place all necessary items on the student’s table as instructed by the chief invigilator;
c. place the examination question and answer booklets/scripts on the student’s table before students are allowed to enter the Examination Hall/Room;
d. Be present at the Examination Hall/Room at all time during the progress of the examination;
e. Assist the invigilators to collect the students’ answer booklets/scripts;
f. Carry out other duties as instructed by the chief invigilator.
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