Qaiwan International University (QIU) was established in 2018 in Sulaimanyah, Kurdistan
Region of Iraq. It was initially established as a franchise of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
(UTM), aiming to provide local students with access to international education without the
need to study abroad, thereby reducing the financial burden on students and their families.
Later in 2022, QIU expanded its offerings by introducing additional programs franchised by
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), further diversifying its educational portfolio.
Students must register for the programme offered on the date stipulated by the University.
If new students do not abide by item 1.1 without valid reasons acceptable to the University, the offer will be annulled.
Registration of the programme for senior students will be automatically done by the University administration based on the previous semester’s examinations results.
Students with Deferment of Study status must re-register for the programme. Students who failed to do so within the specified time will be terminated from their study.