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Bachelor of Management (Technology) -- UTM

Technology management is the integration of science, engineering, and management knowledge and practices, with technology serving as the primary means of creating wealth and value. In addition, technology management is used to adapt to changing environmental conditions and technological progress, as well as to create transformations, as a set of management disciplines that allow organizations to manage their technological fundamentals to create a competitive advantage.
Through an innovative perspective in the Kurdistan region, we are establishing a distinct international identity. Management Technology Education is an innovative university-based management school that provides students with unique international and practice-oriented experiences. Our work and strategic objectives are based on our vision of regional and global engagement. We intend to strengthen our close cooperation with regional actors while also expanding our ties with international partners.

Bachelor of Management (Technology) -- UTM
Bachelor of Management (Technology) -- UTM

Program Information

    1 Awarding Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
    2 Teaching Institution Qaiwan International University
    3 Programme Name Bachelor of Management (Technology)
    4 Final Award Bachelor of Management (Technology)
    5 Programme Code UT6345002 (SBSDH)
    6 Professional or Statutory Body of Accreditation Ministry of Higher Education
    7 Language(s) of Instruction English
    8 Mode of Study (Conventional, distance learning, etc)
    9 Mode of Operation (Franchise, self-govern, etc) Franchise
    10 Study Scheme (Full Time/Part Time)                        
    Full Time
    11 Study Duration Minimum: 4 years - Maximum: 6 years

Program Classification

    # Classification Credit Hours
    1 Programme Courses 54 credits
    2 Specification Course 30 credits
    3 Programme Electives 12 credits
    4 Compulsory university courses 16 credits
    5 Core Discipline: Practical Training 
    12 credits
    6 General Course: General Elective 3 credits
    Total Credit Hours to Graduate 127 credit hours

Program Educational Objective

    The Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) of the Bachelor of Management (Technology) are:
    1.  Competent in resolving organizational technology management problems.
    2.  Maintain professional ethics, good leadership qualities, and effective interpersonal skills.
    3.  Engage in entrepreneurial activities, embark on lifelong learning programmes, and adapt to the global environment and societal needs.
    The Bachelor of Management (Technology) is a full-time programme. The full-time programme is only available at Qaiwan International University. Enrollment in the full-time programme is contingent on the student's entry qualifications, and the duration of study ranges from four (4) to six (6) years.
    The curriculum is designed on a two-semester, per academic session basis. In general, students are expected to take courses ranging from twelve (12) to eighteen (18) credit hours per semester or equivalent for credit exemption. Assessment is based on semester coursework and final exams.

Program Learning Outcome

    # PLO
    1 Apply knowledge and understanding of management and technology in related organizations.
    2 Ability to think critically, logically, creatively, and analytically in order to identify, formulate, and solve emerging issues related to management and technology knowledge.
    3 Exhibit skills and abilities in solving organizational problems through the integration of knowledge in management and technology.
    4 Able to communicate and collaborate effectively in the organization and networking with people from different cultures.
    5 Demonstrate effective communication through appropriate written and oral modes across a wide range of contexts and audiences.
    6 Adopt appropriate use of digital tools and facilities in managing information to support work and studies.
    7 Able to understand and apply quantitative methods by emphasizing quantitative reasoning, analyzing, interpreting data and solving problems.
    8 Able to work collaboratively and assume different roles in a team to solve problems and make decisions in order to achieve a common goal.
    9 Able to learn independently to gain intellectual and self-development with confidence, self-control, and highly committed to professionalism in the workplace.
    10 Demonstrate a continuous commitment towards professional development and possess entrepreneurial skills.
    11 Demonstrate positive values and ethics in engaging with society and stakeholders.

Career Prospect

    Graduates of the programme may enter fields such as research, project management, technology transfer, R&D, logistics, procurement, customer service, quality assurance, or quality control; government service; or entrepreneurship.